Sea of Marmara Underwater Discoveries Underwater Archaeology

Sea of Marmara Underwater Discoveries
Field Season
2004 field season
2004 field season

The Camalti Burnu I Wreck excavation, which started in 1998, achieved its last field season in the summer of 2004. Although a scattering of wooden fragments was found as early as the 2000 excavation season, it was not until 2003 that substantial remains were located. According to Jay Rosslof, who was with us during the […]

2002,2003 field seasons
2002,2003 field seasons

Raise thirty anchors.


The summer 2002 and 2003 was consecrated to raise thirty anchors related with the shipwreck, the rest of the cargo and to delimit the contour of the deposit of the amphoras.
We can now say with some confidence that:
. The ship was a wine-merchant vessel of Byzantine origin, setting sail in the beginning of […]

1999,2000,2001 field seasons
One Handled Jars

A brief summary of what we have learned during our first four field seasons will suffice here. The type IV cargo amphoras on the wreck show a wide range of sizes (47 to 80 cm. high) and capasities (17 to 115 liters, measured to the base of the neck). The different capacities may be multiples […]

1998 field season
Two Amphoras

213 dives were done between 11 October – 3 November 1998. The site grid has been completed (started from the big sized amphora pocket). The system we used was to divide the site into 2-meter squares. 160 amphoras have been tagged and two of them have been mapped and raised. The larger one measured 80 cm. […]